Dear visitor,
Greetings in the wonderful name of our Lord Jesus Christ!
Thank you for visiting our newly designed website. We trust that as you go through the pages you will be able to know more about ourselves as a church community and establish a relationship with us.
St Paul’s Anglican church has a long history dating back to 1864. We celebrated in 2014 our 150th anniversary. The church has a long tradition as a missionary outpost initially towards the people of Tamil and Chinese origins, and today towards all the segments of the Mauritian population. All our services and meetings are conducted in the local dialect, creole, in order to reach out to everyone, irrespective of their status or their education. However we do have translation facilities for our overseas guests. We are a Charismatic church, within the Anglican Diocese of Mauritius. Our church is Bible-based and Spirit-led and we believe in the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
Our vision is: Passion for God and Compassion for people.
Our focus for 2024 is: ‘One More for Jesus’ (Acts 2:47).
We would be pleased to welcome you at any of our services on Tuesdays and Sundays. Please do contact us for any further information.
In Christ Alone,
Venerable Eric Ma Fat
Archdeacon of the Anglican Diocese
Details Of Services
• 7:15 am service (Immanuel Hall)
• 09:30 am service (In Immanuel Hall)
• 09:30 am Youth Service (In Maranatha Hall)
• 9:30 am Healing Service (Immanuel Hall)
Upcoming Events
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Anglican Diocese Of Mauritius

Created in 1854 the Anglican Diocese of Mauritius consists of 17 parishes and 5 mission chapels in Mauritius and Rodrigues. The Diocese of Mauritius belongs to the Anglican Church of the Province of the Indian Ocean which forms part of the Anglican Communion, an international community of Anglicans in over 160 countries.