Sermon par le Ps Philip Tse

Giving my personal testimonies




The church of St Paul has decided to extend the focus on evangelism due to:

  1. its utmost importance. Evangelism is one of the foundations of the church.
  2. a lack of personal testimonies for many reasons.

Pastors, Leaders and Interns are encouraged to set an example by telling their personal salvation stories.

Personal Testimonies

  • Sharing testimonies is a commandment of God.

Psalm 107:1-2 : Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever. Let the redeemed of the Lord tell their story – those he redeemed from the hand of the foe.

  • Testimonies are public displays of how we have experienced God’s grace, love and power in our lives, and how we continued to walk with Jesus through our struggles and victories.
  • No Testimony is without value.
  • Our testimonies are LESS about who we were and what we did, but MORE about WHO Christ is and WHAT He has done for us.
  • Each time we share our testimonies on God’s redeeming love on us, we glorify Him.
  • Testimonies are revelations of how much we need Christ as our Saviour.
  • Testimonies remind that God is always at work.
  • Testimonies have the power to transform lives and to bring others to faith in Christ.
  • Testimonies give hope for the future.

1. Paul’s Testimony (Acts 9:1-22)

Comme il était en chemin, et qu’il approchait de Damas, tout à coup une lumière venant du ciel resplendit autour de lui.

Il tomba par terre, et il entendit une voix qui lui disait : Saul, Saul, pourquoi me persécutes-tu ?

Il répondit : Qui es-tu, Seigneur ? Et le Seigneur dit : Je suis Jésus que tu persécutes. Il te serait dur de regimber contre les aiguillons.

Tremblant et saisi d’effroi, il dit : Seigneur, que veux-tu que je fasse ? Et le Seigneur lui dit : Lève-toi, entre dans la ville, et on te dira
ce que tu dois faire.

  • Paul was a persecutor of the early church.
  • On the road to Damascus, he encountered Jesus. The latter gave him some instructions.
  • Paul has the choice to obey Jesus’ instructions or not.
  • Paul chose to obey Jesus and was baptised.
  • After baptism, Paul testified Jesus in the synagogues, and throughout the Mediterranean world.
  • He eventually became one of the greatest figures in the early Christian church.

Lessons from Paul’s story

  • Any person, even a persecutor of God’s people, can have access to God’s grace and love.
  • Any person who encounters God and obeys Him will allow the Holy Spirit in him to testify about Jesus.

Jean 15:26-27 : 26 Quand sera venu le consolateur, que je vous enverrai de la part du Père, l’Esprit de vérité, qui vient du Père, il rendra témoignage de moi ; 27 et vous aussi, vous rendrez témoignage, parce que vous êtes avec moi dès le commencement.

  • Those who testify about Jesus will see power and greatness in this world and in God’s kingdom like Paul

Actes 1:8 : Mais vous recevrez une puissance, le Saint Esprit survenant sur vous, et vous serez mes témoins à Jérusalem, dans toute la Judée, dans la Samarie, et jusqu’aux extrémités de la terre.

2. The Woman at the Well (John 4:1-42)

  • A Samaritan woman encountered Jesus at a well.
  • This encounter led to a conversation in which Jesus revealed Himself to her as the Messiah
  • Like Paul, this encounter transformed the woman’s life and she courageously chose to witness to her community, telling others about Jesus
  • This story teaches us that God can use anyone, no matter their background or circumstances, to be a witness for Him. She was a Samaritan (outcast), a woman, and a sinner, yet God used her to bring others to faith in Jesus.

3. The Blind Man (John 9:1-41)

  • A man who was born blind encountered Jesus.
  • Jesus healed him from his blindness.
  • The man did not keep quiet and publicly witnessed his healing.
  • Despite persecution from the Jewish leaders, he declared that Jesus is God.
  • This story teaches those who have experienced God’s miracles in any form to be a witness of Jesus.
  • Despite opposition, persecution and rejection, we are to continue to declare that Jesus is Son of God.

How to share your Testimony?

  1. What were you like before you became a Christian?
  2. How did you come to know Christ?
  3. What was your life like after you received Christ?
  4. How would you describe your relationship with God now?
  • Be Authentic: Share your story in a way that is authentic and true to who you are. Don’t try to exaggerate your story. Just share it as it is.
  • Focus on God: While your testimony is about you, it is ultimately about God’s work in your life. Focus on how God has worked in your life and how He has brought you to where you are today.
  • Keep it Simple: Don’t try to be theological in your testimony. Keep it simple and easy to understand.
  • Practice: Practice sharing your testimony with others. This will help you to feel more comfortable and confident when you are sharing it with others.